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November updates

Hey everyone! 👋

Today I want to fill you in on all the important stuff happening this month at school. It’s going to be a busy one!

First up, we’ve got Grading Week starting November 4th through to the 10th. Quick reminder – those grading forms need to be in by Sunday, November 3rd. If you can’t make it to school, no worries! Just pop them in our post box before 10am on Monday the 4th.

The big highlight of the week is our Graduation Ceremony! Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 10th at 4pm. It’s going to be amazing celebrating everyone’s achievements! 🎓

On that same Sunday, during our leadership class, we’ll be observing a special two-minute silence at 11am to remember and honor those who have served.

And that’s not all – the following week (November 11th-15th) is Anti-Bullying Week. We’ll be diving deep into this important topic, sharing helpful advice, and learning practical ways to stand up against bullying. It’s all about creating a safer, kinder school environment for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget those grading forms!

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