Meet the team


Stephen Dunsdon

Head Instructor and Owner

The school is run by Stephen Dunsdon our Chief Instructor who has many years of martial arts experience.

Stephen is a dedicated Kung Fu instructor and family man who finds joy in empowering his students. After years of service in the Air Force, Stephen discovered his true passion in teaching traditional Chinese martial arts.

With over 15 years of martial arts experience, Stephen runs a welcoming School where students of all ages and skill levels learn Kung Fu. His patient and encouraging teaching style has become his trademark. Stephen takes particular pride in watching his students grow not just in skill, but in confidence and self-assurance.

As a father, Stephen understands the importance of a supportive environment. He strives to create a class atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable to learn and express themselves. Many of his students have reported feeling more confident in their daily lives, from school presentations to workplace interactions.

Stephen's family often participates in School events, with his wife leading in the background organising and creating and his child demonstrating beginner forms to new students. This family involvement reinforces the inclusive, community-oriented spirit of his teaching philosophy.

When Stephen is not at the school or spending time with his family, Stephen enjoys Paddleboarding, Swimming and practicing Qigong. He believes that connecting with the environment is crucial for inner balance and often organizes training sessions for advanced students.

Stephen's ultimate goal is to help each student become the best version of themselves, both in martial arts and in life. His dedication to this mission is evident in the thriving, confident community he has built around his School.


Andrea Bates


Andrea is one of our instructors in our Sunday classes and has been a member of the team since 2018. Andrea is a respected Kung Fu instructor who teaches alongside her mentor, Stephen, at the martial arts school where her journey began. She first joined the school as a student with her sister Claire, and both have since become accomplished instructors in their own right.

Andrea's passion for Kung Fu blossomed under Stephen's tutelage, and she now shares her knowledge with a new generation of students. Her classes are known for their welcoming atmosphere and focus on proper technique. Andrea takes pride in fostering a supportive community within the school, much like the one that embraced her and Claire when they first started.

Andrea's teaching style at the Kung Fu school is characterized by a blend of technical precision, disciplined practice, and genuine care for her students.
Andrea's approach includes:

Technical focus: Andrea emphasizes proper form and technique in every movement, ensuring students build a strong foundation in Kung Fu.

Discipline-oriented: She instills a sense of discipline in her students, teaching them the value of consistent practice, respect for the art, and self-control.

Deep personal investment: Andrea cares deeply for each of her students, taking time to understand their individual goals and challenges.

Personalized guidance: She adapts her teaching methods to suit different learning styles and abilities, offering one-on-one attention when needed.

Creating a supportive environment: While maintaining high standards, she ensures the training space feels safe and encouraging for all students.

This combination of technical rigor, emphasis on discipline, and genuine care creates a unique learning experience that helps students excel not just in Kung Fu, but in various aspects of their lives.

Working in tandem with Stephen, Andrea contributes to a family-like environment at the school, where students of all levels feel encouraged to grow and challenge themselves. Her teaching style balances traditional Kung Fu principles with modern, inclusive approaches, making the art form accessible to a diverse range of students.


Claire Bates


Claire is one of our instructors in the Tuesday classes and has been a member of the team since 2018.

Claire’s journey as a Kung Fu instructor is deeply intertwined with her role as a mother. Her introduction to the martial art came through her own children, who joined the class before she did. This unique entry point has profoundly shaped her teaching philosophy and style.

As an instructor, Claire brings a nurturing, maternal approach to her classes, especially when working with younger students. Her teaching style is characterized

Empathetic understanding: Drawing from her experience as a mother, Claire is attuned to children’s emotional and developmental needs, adapting her teaching methods accordingly.

Patience and encouragement: She creates a supportive environment where children feel safe to make mistakes and learn at their own pace.

Individual attention: Claire takes time to understand each child’s unique personality, learning style, and challenges, much as she does with her own children.

Life skills focus: Beyond teaching Kung Fu techniques, she emphasises valuable life lessons such as respect, perseverance, and self-confidence.

Family involvement: Claire encourages parental participation, understanding firsthand the positive impact of family support in a child’s martial arts journey.

Balancing discipline with nurture: While maintaining the necessary discipline for martial arts training, Claire ensures that her approach is always caring and supportive.

Her dual perspective as both a mother and an instructor allows Claire to create a uniquely nurturing yet effective learning environment. She sees her students not just as martial artists in training, but as growing individuals with diverse needs and potentials, much like a mother would.


Georgia Robinson


Georgia is one of our instructors in the Wednesday classes and has been a member of the team since 2019. Georgia is the youngest instructor of the team and as such is full of fresh ideas. Bringing a different perspective of the classes through younger eyes and having more recently attended the younger classes herself. Georgia has worked hard to rise through the junior classes winning an award for Overall achievement in 2018, before being invited into the adult classes.

Georgia, now 18, began her martial arts journey at the tender age of 6 in our Kung Fu classes. Over the past 12 years, she has grown from an eager young student into a skilled and respected full instructor, embodying the spirit of perseverance and dedication.

At just 11 years old, Georgia took her first steps into leadership by becoming an assistant in the class. This early experience helped shape her into the confident instructor she is today. Her unique perspective as a young woman in martial arts brings invaluable insight to our training programs.

Having progressed through every level of our classes, Georgia intimately understands the challenges and triumphs that await each student. This firsthand experience allows her to connect with students on a personal level, offering guidance and encouragement that comes from a place of true understanding.

Georgia's presence in the School is a powerful inspiration, especially for our female students. As a kind, strong, and independent woman, she serves as a positive role model for girls and young women interested in martial arts. Many look up to her, seeing in Georgia the embodiment of what they can achieve through hard work and dedication.

Her teaching style reflects her journey - firm yet compassionate, always pushing students to reach their full potential while understanding the obstacles they face. Georgia's ultimate goal is to see each of her students succeed, not just in Kung Fu, but in developing the confidence and discipline that will serve them well in all aspects of life.

In Georgia, our School has gained not just an instructor, but a shining example of the transformative power of martial arts. Her story continues to inspire both students and fellow instructors alike.


Jake Davis

Assistant Instructor

Jake has been a member of our school since he was a Junior Warrior back in October 2018. He quickly advanced through the Junior classes to become an assistant in our Saturday classes. Since then Jake has won the Overall achievement award in 2020 before advancing into the Adult classes where he is working his way through his student levels to become a black belt within the school.

Jake, 16, is soon to start collage whose passion for martial arts defines much of his life. From the moment he first stepped into a school at age 8, he was hooked on the discipline, focus, and physical challenge of Kung Fu.

Over the years, Jake's dedication has become legendary among his peers and instructors. He trains rigorously six days a week, often waking up earliy to train with his Father, who is also a member of our school. His weekends are spent perfecting techniques, studying, Gardening and unwinding.

Jake's exceptional skill and unwavering commitment earned him the opportunity to assist in teaching classes at our School. He takes great pride in sharing his knowledge with younger students, helping them develop proper form and instilling in them the values of respect and perseverance.

Despite his intense training schedule, Jake maintains good grades and participates in his after school Clubs. His ultimate goal is to earn his black belt before graduating college and to eventually move onto higher education at a University.


Kaleb Colverson

Assistant Instructor

Kaleb, now 16, first stepped into the world of martial arts at the tender age of 4. His journey began in the "Little Dragons" class at our Kung Fu school, where his natural enthusiasm and coordination quickly became apparent.

As Kaleb grew, so did his passion for Kung Fu. He progressed through every level the school offered - from Little Dragons to Junior Warriors, and finally to the advanced adult classes where he now trains alongside his father. This shared interest has strengthened their bond, with both of them now working towards their first-degree black belts.

Despite his intense dedication to martial arts, Kaleb's personality is far from the stern, serious stereotype often associated with dedicated martial artists. He's known for his kind heart and quick wit, often lightening the mood in class with his playful jokes and encouraging words to his peers.

Kaleb's infectious laughter and genuine care for others make him a favorite among
both students and instructors. He has a knack for making newcomers feel welcome and helping nervous beginners find their confidence in the School.

His journey through the school's programs has given Kaleb a unique perspective, allowing him to relate to students of all ages and skill levels. This, combined with his technical proficiency, has made him an invaluable assistant in classes for younger students.

Outside the School, Kaleb friends know him as the go-to person for both a good laugh and a supportive ear. His balanced approach to life - serious about his training but light-hearted in his interactions - serves as an inspiration to many in his Kung Fu community.

As Kaleb continues his path towards his first-degree black belt, he does so not just with determination, but with the joy and positive energy that have characterised his entire martial arts journey


Philip Graham

Assistant Instructor

Philip is a vibrant teenage boy known for bringing life and laughter to his classes. Philip's infectious enthusiasm and willingness to learn make him a favorite among both teachers and classmates. Philip's positive attitude shines through as he listens attentively to feedback and consistently strives to improve.

Outside of academics, Philip is a bundle of energy with a passion for various sports. He's an active member of both the rugby and football clubs, where his teammates appreciate his team spirit and dedication. However, Philip's true love lies in the art of Kung Fu. He diligently attends adult Kung Fu classes, training hard with the goal of earning his coveted black belt.

Philip's ability to balance his academic responsibilities with his diverse athletic pursuits showcases his drive and time management skills. Whether he's cracking jokes in the classroom or perfecting his Kung Fu forms, Philip approaches life with a sense of joy and determination that inspires those around him


Aron Ball


Aron’s journey in Kung Fu began at the tender age of 5, marking the start of a passion that would shape his life. Over the years, he has progressed through various classes and belt levels, demonstrating remarkable dedication for someone so young. His achievement of the golden sash in the junior classes stands as a testament to his perseverance and skill.

While martial arts play a significant role in Aron's life, they're far from his only interest. He's an avid enthusiast of gaming, computers, and card games. This love for games extends beyond mere play - Aron has shown a knack for game design, playing a key role in developing our trading Top Trumps-style game for all of our Kung Fu schools. His creative input and understanding of game mechanics have made the project a hit among his peers.
In the classroom and at home.

Aron is known for his confident and fun-loving nature. He has a talent for lightening the mood, often making his classmates laugh even when facing challenging subjects. Despite his playful side, Aron is respectful and well-behaved, much to the delight of both his teachers and parents.

Aron's ability to balance his varied interests - from the physical discipline of Kung Fu to the strategic thinking required in gaming and game design - showcases his well-rounded character. He approaches each of these pursuits with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, traits that serve him well in all aspects of his life.

At home, Aron is described as a "good boy" by his parents. He's responsible, helps out with chores, and maintains a positive attitude. This respectful behavior, combined with his fun-loving nature, makes him popular among adults and peers alike.

As Aron continues to grow and develop, his diverse interests and positive attributes position him well for future success. Whether he's practicing Kung Fu forms, brainstorming new game ideas, or simply being a supportive friend and son, Aron tackles life with a blend of enthusiasm, creativity, and respect that sets him apart.


Josh McLennan


Joshua's passion for Kung Fu is a defining element of his character. When he first stepped into the dojo at age 6, he was a shy, hesitant boy, barely able to make eye contact with his instructors. However, the discipline and philosophy of Kung Fu quickly captured his imagination and became a transformative force in his life.

Over the years, Josh's dedication to the art was unwavering. He attended every class with enthusiasm, practicing forms and techniques with a focus that belied his usually playful nature. As he progressed through the ranks in the Little Dragon's and junior classes, his confidence grew exponentially. By the time he earned his golden sash, Josh had blossomed into a natural leader, often helping newer students and leading warm-up exercises.

Now, at the age of 13, Josh has transitioned to training with the adult Kung Fu classes - a testament to his skill and maturity. He approaches these more advanced sessions with a mixture of humility and determination, setting his sights on achieving his first-degree black belt. His instructors often comment on his exceptional focus and his ability to grasp complex techniques quickly.

Parallel to his Kung Fu journey, Josh is also an active member of the RAF Air Cadets. This involvement further nurtures his discipline and leadership skills, complementing his martial arts training. In the cadets, Josh participates in various activities including flight simulations, field craft, and adventure training. He approaches these challenges with the same enthusiasm and can-do attitude he brings to his Kung Fu practice.

The combination of Kung Fu and his cadet experiences has had a profound impact on Josh. Once a shy boy, he now exudes confidence whether he's leading a Kung Fu drill or participating in a cadet parade. His journey showcases not just physical growth, but also remarkable personal development, illustrating how dedication to a discipline can shape character and build self-assurance.

Despite his achievements, Josh remains humble and eager to learn. He often speaks about how Kung Fu and the Air Cadets have taught him the value of perseverance, respect, and teamwork - lessons he applies both in and out of the School.


Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Safeguarding officer

If you have a concern about an adult working or volunteering with children who may have behaved inappropriately, please report it to the LADO team using the details below.

If you’re not ready to make a referral, but would like to speak to the LADO for advice, please contact the team:

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Phone: 0330 222 6450