Jake Davis
Overall achievement award 2020

This student has pushed the boundaries of what is expected of a student in the best possible away. There are students who work hard and push themselves and then there is this student. The commitment, discipline and hard work they put in is just incredible. Not only has this student committed to every single class, they never miss an opportunity to better and develop themselves. In lessons, instead of waiting for the next part of the class to begin, they will stand on their spot and continue to practice showing total commitment to making the very best of every lesson and their training. The motivation and work ethic they have will undoubtedly lead them to wonderful things. There is nothing more that I could ask of this student other than to continue to demonstrate this phenomenal work ethic and determination they currently show.
I truly believe that they understand already at a young age that you never stop learning and because of this will continue to grow and grow. This student has committed to the martial arts in such an admirable way, so much so that if they continue to do so their future is incredibly exciting.
The overall achievement award goes to Jake Davis.